Tanya Piatz has won 4th place in the drawing category in the Minnesota State Fair 2021. There was 2,462 entries into the fine arts categories with 321 accepted artists. 211 of the 2,462 entries were for the drawing / pastel category with 29 of the entries getting into the exhibit.
This is part of the "Species of Special Concern" series. It depicts a federally endangered species the western fringe orchid as well as the species of special concern the Leconte's sparrow. There is 1% of original prairie left in the state of Minnesota with conservation groups working to increase this habitat. Part of the reason for decline in the LeConte's Sparrow is due to their dependance on the prairie potholes as well as tall grass prairies. With climate change changing the landscape of Minnesota the wetlands the LeConte's Sparrow like to nest in are drying up making it no longer suitable to raise a clutch.
The reason for decline can be seen in grays done in pencil because we can still change the outcome for this specie. It shows a wetland that is dry and parched waiting for the rain. We also drain these special places for housing and agriculture because we don't always see the value in native habitat.
Can't make it to the Minnesota State Fair? You can see "LeConte's Sparrow" at the Anoka Rumriver Art Center Gallery with show opening on Sept 11th from 2-4.
